Welcome to Montrose, Colorado! I love helping people settle in our wonderful community.
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Being a real estate agent in the town of Montrose, Colorado is exactly what I want to be doing. Helping people buy and sell homes here is fulfilling work for me. I love the hunt for that perfect new home for the first time home buyer, finding an upgrade for a growing family, a nice place with a few acres to settle down for a retired couple, and the excitement working alongside each person I meet. Best of all, those smiles at the closing table are exactly why I sell real estate! I’m “kind of a fan” of Montrose.

I absolutely LOVE Montrose, CO and helping the community with tips and tricks. Keep up with my blog to learn about things to do in Montrose and its surrounding area and fun things to do around the home.
First Time Home Buyer Tips You Should Know
Here in Montrose, Colorado, rent can get expensive rather quickly! If you haven't bought a home before, navigating lendors, loans, and regulations can be confusing. Follow these first time home [...]
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home
You're ready to sell your home, and on the hunt for a new one. Whether you moving to another city or state, need a larger home because of your [...]
Montrose, CO – Pitching A Tent
Are you on the hunt for the perfect Colorado camping experience? Montrose, Colorado and the surrounding area has many things to offer, and camping is definitely one of them! [...]
Montrose, Colorado Golf Courses
Montrose, Colorado is a very desirable place to live, and it offers many attractions in and around the area. An activity enjoyed by many in the area is golf! [...]
Montrose, CO – Historical Sites and Tours
It's no secret that the Montrose, Colorado area is full of things to do. Being in the heart of so much beauty and adventure makes being a Montrose [...]
What to Avoid When Remodeling Your Bathroom
Bathroom and kitchen remodels are some of the best remodels that you can since these rooms receive the most use and remodeling these areas increases the value of your home. [...]
There are a variety of ways to contact me through my website. Pick the one you like best. I am a double thumb texter, email is good, an actual voice to voice phone call works, and stopping by the office is great, too.
If you are a buyer, we will talk about your ultimate Colorado home wish list and go from there. If you are a seller, we will look at market conditions and your future goals, and how it all plays into a sale of your home.
I will not promise you the moon as to what I can accomplish. What I can promise is hard work, good communication, and some common sense. Hope to hear from you!
You can also fill out the form below and I will get back to you just as soon as I can!